
Name Bugs - Easy and fun for all ages

By Sara McGill May 9, 2012
This craft/art project comes from my mom, Patty. She taught grade school until she retired a few years ago. One of her kids' favorite art projects was "Name Bugs." She made one with me when I was little and has made one with my daughter. I love the simplicity of the craft and how beautiful they all turn out.

Here's what you need:
•    Construction paper--various colors
•    Scissors
•    Glue
•    Something to write with

Take a sheet of construction paper and fold it in half lengthwise. Have your child write his/her name and last initial (for example, Sara M.) or write it for them in large letters along the fold. It is best if you write in cursive. Next, cut around the outer edge of the written name. Open up the paper and this is the body of your bug. Use construction paper to make wings, antennae, eyes and eyelashes, legs, etc. My mother always made a point to use a pen or pencil to "curl" strips of paper for the eyelashes and other embellishments. They're always great for a spring craft on a rainy day!