
Mom with a Mission: An Interview with Stephenie Wilson-Peterson

Local author's book series showcases women of science, strength and substance for young readers!

By Nicki Medford October 23, 2017

As parents, we may often find ourselves questioning the content of movies, video games and even books that our children are drawn to.  It can be increasingly difficult to find noble characters and plot lines in the media today.  Thankfully, there are authors like Stephenie Wilson-Peterson who are working hard to provide kids with strong, positive heroines and heroes!  

Nellie appears to be a normal nine year old girl. But Nellie is not normal. Nellie is an amazingly gifted scientist who ​lives in a family of amazingly gifted scientists. One day, her brother, Niles, who is eleven, teases her, as all respectable ​big brothers do. This time, however, Niles goes too far when he tells Nellie that girls are silly and no woman has ever​ changed the world. This sets off a spark of an idea in Nellie's most amazing mind and sends her down the path to create a time machine and meet wonderful women who made a mark on the world. First stop, Amelia Earhart! With a few bumps along the way and a government agency out to steal her technology, Nellie and Niles are in for an incredible adventure!

In the second book, which was just released earlier this month, Nellie and her brother go on to meet Sacagawea and reporter Nellie Bly, but not without more trouble from those pesky government agents!

Stephenie Wilson-Peterson is the local Wake County-based author of the popular Nellie Nova book series. I have admired Stephenie’s work and mission for the last couple of years, so you can imagine my excitement when she agreed to an interview for North Raleigh Macaroni Kid!​

N. Raleigh Macaroni Kid (MK) There is so much excitement surrounding your latest book, Nellie Nova’s Summer on the Run that just came out this October, and your first book Nellie Nova Takes Flight debuted last year!  When did you begin to develop the Nellie Nova series?

Stephenie Wilson-Peterson (SWP) The series started as a result of a conversation I had with my husband about video games, actually. It was about four years ago now. He was talking about how there are so few video games out there for girls that have substance or a main character with admirable traits. Games for young girls are full of princesses and cupcakes. So I came up with Nellie Nova thinking he might develop a game about her, but as I wrote, I realized that I had a book series on my hands, not a video game.

MK That is amazing! And so true about the shortage of positive, strong female role models. Had you written any novels or short stories before?

SWP  I've always been a writer. It was my dream career from the time I was in the second grade. I was always writing something, but I always had a reason that I would not complete it or share it with anyone. But when the idea for Nellie Nova came to me, I couldn't stop writing and I couldn't wait to share her with the world, no matter how busy I was.

MK It sounds like you have a strong connection to the Nellie Nova character! Can you give us a little more insight on what she means to you? I’ve also been curious if Nellie takes on a life of her own and inspires her own journeys in the writing process, or do you steer the adventures that develop her as a character?  

SWP When I wrote her, I wanted to empower girls. I wanted girls to see themselves as more than just pretty. I wanted little girls to have a role model who was smart, brave, and willing to take risks to achieve her goals. And I wanted little boys to see that, too. I want boys to know that their sisters, mothers, and friends are more than just princesses waiting to be rescued. Nellie inspired her journey, to some degree. I knew who she was and what I wanted her to do. I had a vision of who I wanted her to be. Her journey did change her a bit I as I wrote.

MK I love that aspect of giving boys a positive model as well!  You have 2 sons and a daughter yourself, have they each responded to Nellie Nova in the ways you've described above?

SWP They really have! I've heard all of them say that girls can do anything boys can do.

MK  Besides giving you their opinions, how else have your children taken part of the writing process, if at all?

SWP They have always been my first readers. They have had the chance to read the stories as they are being written. They've actually provided feedback that made its way into the books. One of my favorite parts in the first Nellie Nova book was my oldest son's idea.

MK What an awesome experience for them! You're now on book 2 of the series. Do you have a set quantity in mind, like a trilogy for example or will you continue writing as long as Nellie has people, places and other S.T.E.M based adventures to discover?

SWP I don't have a set number of books in mind. I know I have at least two more Nellie books that I will write. I also want to do one at some point that focuses a bit more on Nellie's brother, Niles.

MK I am very excited to start reading this series with my own kids very soon! We have just entered the "chapter book" phase of reading aloud as a family and I love that your books have something to appeal to both boys and girls, parents, and of course the educational aspect!  Thank you so much for taking the time to chat. I know our readers have enjoyed learning more about your process and I am excited for the future of Nellie and Niles!  Are there any final thoughts you'd like to share with Macaroni Kid?

SWP I hope your little ones love Nellie! And I hope Macaroni Kid readers take the time to check out the series. It's available at and If anyone reading wants to find out more about me or the books they should check out my website at

Purchase your own copies of Nellie Nova’s adventures! 

Nellie Nova Takes Flight
Nellie Nova’s Summer on the Run

Barnes & Noble: 
Nellie Nova Series